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Infographic created in January 2016 by ECEZG about "Immediate combined effect of gastrocnemius stretching and sustained talocrural joint mobilization in individuals with limited ankle dorsiflexion: A randomized controlled trial" by Kang et al (2015)

Infographic: Immediate combined effect of gastrocnemius stretching and talocrural joint mobilization

Infographic created in January 2016 by ECEZG about "Immediate combined effect of gastrocnemius stretching and sustained talocrural joint mobilization in individuals with limited ankle dorsiflexion: A randomized controlled trial" by Kang et al (2015)
Infographic created in January 2016 by ECEZG about “Immediate combined effect of gastrocnemius stretching and sustained talocrural joint mobilization in individuals with limited ankle dorsiflexion: A randomized controlled trial” by Kang et al (2015)

Infographic: Immediate combined effect of gastrocnemius stretching and sustained talocrural joint mobilization in individuals with limited ankle dorsiflexion: A randomized controlled trial

Kang et al – 2015

In this RCT  the researchers measured the effect of different interventions on the dorsal flexion of the talocrural (ankle) joint and their effect on gait.

Having a dorsal flexion range of motion under 10 degrees is a risk factor for lower extremity injuries, so influencing the ROM is an important intervention for the physiotherapist or manual therapist.

Combining a muscular stretch with talocrural joint mobilisation seems the best choice of interventions.

This Randomised Control Trial (RCT) is rated with use of the PEDro checklist with a score of 8/11 due to;

  • No information about concealing of allocation
  • No blinding of therapists who administered the therapy
  • No blinding of assessors who measured the key outcome (which were in fact the same therapists)


Disclaimer: The infographic is made by ECEZG with high care. The research is done by Kang et al. ECEZG does not claim to have done the research itself, neither did ECEZG change any of the outcomes. The main goal of this infographic is to inform fellow physiotherapists and manual therapists. Used images and artwork are owned by ECEZG.

Artistieke weergave van de wervelkolom door Ursrules1

Vroeg starten met fysiotherapie bij lage rugklachten

Artistieke weergave van de wervelkolom door Ursrules1
Artistieke weergave van de wervelkolom door Ursrules1

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Van gezond leven tot lage rugklachten; Years Lost to Disability en Healthy Life Expectancy

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Heupartrose – Cluster van Sutlive; een visuele interpretatie van de CPR

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